Satisfied customers
Elettrosud GroupSales
The satisfaction of our customers is the main stimulus that pushes us to look to the future with optimism and conviction.
We offer the support they need for the success of their projects and we are a reliable partner, which has placed long-lasting relationships with customers, suppliers and collaborators at the basis of its growth.
Elettrosud groupMain sectors served
Elettrosud can boast prestigious and -at the same time- highly demanding customers, operating in different sectors among which stands out: Automotive, with all the different specific applications in vehicles, home appliances, Energy & industry and Electronics & TLC.
Automotive - Cooling Systems - 45 %
Automotive - Rear Mirrors - 20%
Automotive - Fuel Systems - 19%
Automotive - Electrical Motors - 6%
Automotive - Air Conditioning - 6%
Automotive - Steering - 4%
Energy e Industry - 1%
Others - 19%
Sales Area
Since 1994, Elettrosud has been present in Europe, supplying wiring in France, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Spain, Switzerland, Greece and Belgium.
It also supplies factories belonging to multinational groups in overseas countries, such as Brazil, Mexico, and U.S.A.
Elettrosud groupFinal Customers
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